Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Our adventure begins

By Claire on Sat 29 Jun

Today we set off around the world!   The globe may not be an exact replica of the world but it was the start of the countdown.  It was presented to Claire (by Debbie Quinn, a former work colleague) to mark her retirement from paid work!  The flowers are from Blyth and we hope that they will survive our adventures and the sunflower is solar powered and from Dave at the Outlet - how will we ever manage without him and his totally wonderful shop!

Blyth's flowers and Dave's Sunflower 001 Blyth's flowers and Dave's Sunflower 002 IMG_2803

Our first stop, we hope, will be Barry for a farewell to Claire's birthplace (!!) and to wait out the tide and then who knows ...... the Scillies and then Spain?  Or will the weather send us to Newlyn and France?   All we do know is that we need to be in Spain in time to fly home for Andrew's wedding on the 10th August.

Our thanks to our wonderful family who have supported this project from the start and who have encouraged us to set off and realise our dream, we hope you will be able to enjoy our adventure, if only vicariously!   Our thanks also  to all who have helped us organise Ocean Rainbow so that she truly is the most superb ocean going yacht.



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