Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!
29 June, 2013
Setting Sail

On Saturday the 29th June Ocean Rainbow got all dressed up in her finest flags to begin her long awaited journey. Claire and James were in good spirits as they locked out to cheers from supporters. First stop Barry.....and then the world!

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29 June, 2013
A Blessing for the trip

Huge thank you to Andy Bryant, who came this morning to give us and Ocean Rainbow  a blessing for the trip.   

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29 June, 2013
Our adventure begins

Today we set off around the world!   The globe may not be an exact replica of the world but it was the start of the countdown.  It was presented to Claire (by Debbie Quinn, a former work colleague) to mark her retirement from paid work!  The flowers are from Blyth and we hope that they […]

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