Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!
30 April, 2013
Here come the girls

  Ocean Rainbow played host to drinks for 'The Ascent Girls' followed by a short walk up the quay to H&W for a lovely night out.  Although the service was slow we had a great meal and the staff were their normal friendly selves.  A super night of catching up with everyone and luxuriating in […]

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28 April, 2013
Beaulieu Boat Jumble

  We've just returned from the Beaulieu Boat Jumble with a stash of goodies including TriSail, Storm Jib, a slack handful of Caribbean courtesy flags and a bucket full of shackles.   Many thanks to Jean and John Golding of Classic Dream for their warm hospitality not to mention the very enjoyable drinks in the luxurious […]

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23 April, 2013
Vaccinations and things

A visit to the Nomad Travel Clinic was time well spent - it would appear we aren't starting any too soon on the vaccination programme!!   We just need to find a day to actually go and get stabbed repeatedly!   Thanks to Judy for her expert advice.

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22 April, 2013
Liveaboards and still able to sail

  We finally managed to get out and have a sail having stowed everything safely! A photo as evidence! We still haven't got our liferaft back from Ocean Safety so an empty cradle on the coach roof and we haven't put on the staysail but other than that - everything in good working order and […]

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18 April, 2013
Blackdog Media to the rescue

Capitalising on a visit to Northern Ireland to catch up with my great girlfriend Anne, I had face-to-face tuition from her son Richard, without whose help we would never have had a website.  Now I'm hoping I can get photos and videos uploaded more efficiently.  We even have a location map for anyone who wants […]

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15 April, 2013
Another first

I've spent many nights home alone ashore but this is the first night home alone on board!  Ocean Rainbow has to be one of our friendliest homes; she's warm, she's spacious and I'm sure it won't be long before we have everything stowed safely and we can once more set to sea!

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3 April, 2013
We're liveaboards and Claire's retired

We're almost there .... the house is empty and we're living on board.  Claire has even been commuting to work from Ocean Rainbow!   Today she retired and her life is about to change as she becomes a 'lady of leisure'!

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