Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!
4 June, 2013
Music for travelling

Fantastic thanks to Paul for his time and trouble loading enough music onto our iPod to ensure that night watches will pass far too quickly.  We now have a fabulous selection including the incomparable 'Bielefeld Playlist'.

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29 May, 2013
The list of jobs to do is finally reducing!

Not only have we managed to change the running rigging, sort out the medicines,secure the medicine cabinet and fix a shower curtain, we've also been able to give Jane a bed and meals for the last couple of days.   The next major task is to work out what food to store where and how much […]

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26 May, 2013
The BBQ christened - finally we have some sunshine!

Wow, two consecutive days of sunshine and we have actually been able to christen the BBQ.  Had we realised that we really would have sunshine we might have been slightly more adventurous than sausages and home-made burgers .... but they tasted delicious which was the main thing!  We also used the sunshine to add the […]

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23 May, 2013
'A stitch in time saves nine'

As you will see from the photo, it's not wise to have your guard rails covered in plastic!   There was no indication that the wire had rusted through to this extent so we were really relieved to have replaced them.   We also fitted the replacement dodgers.    Let's hope these are robust!

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20 May, 2013
Positively the last time in the sling at Portishead

Positively the last time that we are going to have a night out of the water in Portishead prior to our travels.   We had a lift out overnight to replace a jamming seacock, replace the sacrificial anodes and slap on another coat of anti-fouling!    James took the opportunity to clean up the propellor as […]

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20 May, 2013
Open Yacht

What a great afternoon.   It was lovely to see everyone and fun to show off our home!    The classic question of the day has to have come from one small person who asked 'where's the dishwasher?' - he was not impressed when I pointed to myself!    Many thanks to you all for coming along […]

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18 May, 2013
Last Jessie May Charity Sail before Ocean Rainbow's big adventure

  Thanks to Andrew (Bruce), Katie, Nick and Dickie (all ex Bristol Uni OTC) for such a fun day's sailing in the Cappuccino Channel enjoying the Avonmouth Riviera.   Around Denny, into the mouth of the Avon (avoiding ships moving between Portbury and Avonmouth!)  up and under the bridge to Wales and a brief glimpse of […]

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17 May, 2013
Ocean Knot

  Rachel arrived on board with a totally splendid Celebration Cake (a much better sounding name than the recipe which said Rhubarb, Cardamom and Ginger Cake!) but Steve stole the show with his hand crafted organic hemp and sweet smelling Ocean Knot!    The Ocean Knot will travel with Ocean Rainbow for her adventures ... sadly […]

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16 May, 2013
S&Rdust visit Ocean Rainbow

Lovely to have Rachel and Steve from Stardust on board for a final sail before we set off on our travels.   We were lucky with the weather and had a great trip to St Pierre Pill but sadly neaps prevented us stopping long enough to have our lunch actually moored alongside the pontoon.    Still, […]

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16 May, 2013
Liferaft finally back in its cradle

This is what we saw when the liferaft was opened up in February .....           Finally, after a very long delay waiting for spare parts from Italy and then the repair of pressure testing kit at Ocean Safety, we have our fully serviced liferaft  back in place.   Thanks to Steve for […]

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