Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!
2 October, 2011
Home flying the Chute

Beautiful day, light winds and the chance to fly the chute again before returning home to Portishead.

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1 October, 2011
Cruising Chute to Denny Island

Wonderful to fly the Chute in all her Regimental glory!  Drifted around the Channel until time to enter Middle Hope Cove off Sandy Point for the night.

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13 August, 2011
The Aussies came on board

Bill and Libbie Crossman, Steve and Rachel Hughes and  Mutt all set off for Cardiff to experience the barrage.  Tied up alongside Mermaid Quay for a couple of hours and then returned home to Portishead.

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5 August, 2011
Weekend in Cardiff

Humphrey in charge of the trip down Channel.  Spent the weekend in Cardiff and returned to Portishead on Sunday 7th.   An idle weekend to say the least!

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20 August, 2010
Ocean Rainbow's Inaugural Trip to Portishead
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