Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!
29 October, 2013
PWRCC Reunited after 2500nm

We were just meandering along the sea front when Claire's beady eye spied a familiar looking yacht at anchor in the harbour!   We went to the end of the pier and hollered and waved, eventually attracting Vicky's attention.  They then leapt in their dinghy and rowed ashore for a quick catch up.  We arranged to […]

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27 March, 2013
Jon Lister and Hecla depart on their adventures

Jon has stolen a march on us!  He is the first of the PWRCC to leave on his adventures.  We hope to meet up with him in the Cape Verde Islands.    We'll miss him ... who's going to supervise all the updates on Ocean Rainbow?  Bon Voyage!   Jon's blog

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24 March, 2013
The Warrior Removal Company

Jon Lister came to our aid yet again and helped with the furniture removal to Bruton and James was in his element as 'white van man'.   Two trips and we have almost established our new pied-a-terre.

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24 November, 2012
PWRCC Meeting

It's true and below is the proof ... Swallow (formerly known on this blog as 'No Name') is a bad influence.   Our planning meeting consisted of an informative discussion on cameras (hopefully Swallow will email links and things!), a short discussion on insurance, a short discussion on sprayhoods,  and an even shorter discussion on departure […]

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9 November, 2012
PWRCC interim meeting

The main meeting is scheduled for 23rd but Jon (now that he's retired) needs feeding so we had a mid month meeting. It proved invaluable, we ordered dehumidifiers (ours failed  last week, looked very sad and it proved terminal!), we discussed the Bay of Biscay and we have a plan!

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1 October, 2012
PWRCC Meeting on Hecla

Another successful planning meeting?!   Not sure much planning was done but the pizzas were excellent and we had a thoroughly enjoyable evening on board Hecla.

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16 September, 2012
PWRCC Lunch on Ocean Rainbow

Forgot to take a photo once food was on the table but here's one of James demonstrating our ''gym" routine on board!   Definitely needed after all our roast lamb!

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20 April, 2012
PWRCC Supper on board 'No Name'

The PWRCC (Portishead World Rally Cruising Club - pronounced PAWK) met on board Vicky and Elliot's wonderful Bowman - yet to be named!    After Vicky's amazing curry John may well be feeling the pressure of hosting the next meeting of the PWRCC on Hecla.

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