Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!
18 May, 2013
Last Jessie May Charity Sail before Ocean Rainbow's big adventure

  Thanks to Andrew (Bruce), Katie, Nick and Dickie (all ex Bristol Uni OTC) for such a fun day's sailing in the Cappuccino Channel enjoying the Avonmouth Riviera.   Around Denny, into the mouth of the Avon (avoiding ships moving between Portbury and Avonmouth!)  up and under the bridge to Wales and a brief glimpse of […]

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15 August, 2012
Charity Sail

Ocean Rainbow set to sea with the sun shining brightly for a 'charity run'.   The Jessie May Trust is the beneficiary of a generous donation from David and Pat Wells who, with their friends Ray and Ruth Wilson, enjoyed a trip to view the world famous "Avonmouth Riviera".  Unfortunately, with winds gusting at 38 knots […]

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10 July, 2012
Trip down memory lane

For a donation to the Jessie May Trust, James takes people on Ocean Rainbow to view the Avonmouth Riviera from the sea.   As a retirement present for her Dad, Cate Everitt arranged a trip for her parents (Liz and John) as her Dad had always enjoyed sailing and hadn't had the opportunity to sail recently.    Short of crew […]

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26 September, 2011
Avonmouth Riviera Tour for Wards' solicitors

Ocean Rainbow raised funds for James' charity - The Jessies May Trust.  We took 4 solicitors on a tour of the Avonmouth Riviera - we started in fine weather but then along came the rain ...  spirits were not dampened and the invitation to cut short the trip and head back into port was cheerfully […]

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23 August, 2011
Charity Trip around the Avonmouth Riviera

Ocean Rainbow helped to raise funds for the Jessie May Trust , as on this occasion Nigel Peek of N3 Graphics, his son and friend were rewarded with a trip around the Avonmouth Riviera, for picking the winning ticket in the Business Network South West charity raffle.  A sunny evening with little wind but really […]

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15 July, 2011
Charity trip around the Avonmouth Riviera for Wards' solicitors

Ocean Rainbow in fundraising mode for Jessie May and despite the miserable wet weather, the 5 lawyers from Wards decided to press on and venture forth into the  Channel for their Riviera trip.   They were good company and came home beaming from ear to ear.

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