Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!
12 May, 2012
Lunch in St Pierre

Visitors on board Ocean Rainbow for a quick spin in the 'Bay' were rewarded with a trip up Channel in beautiful weather and a quick stop for lunch at St Pierre (Nikki'd never visited before) and then home again without one drop of rain!

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29 April, 2012
Lunch on board in Force 10

 Paul Blackham (a fellow Bristol Savage) and Julia Tresidder (Paul's sailing daughter) on board OR for lunch in a Force 10 gale!            Just in case you are under any illusion ... we did not put to sea, we were firmly moored up in our berth at Portishead!      

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26 July, 2011
The Judges on board for dinner

Rog and Olga came on board for dinner.   Can't believe it's taken this long to arrange a date but, as they say, better late than never.

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23 July, 2011
Lunch in St Pierre

Took Verity and  Edward up to St Pierre to experience the Robinson Crusoe adventure.   Beautiful weather and  a wonderful way to introduce Verity to sailing with the Short family!

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