Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!
19 October, 2012
The Gantry!

Kevin has been hard at work and the gantry is almost completed.   It really looks as if it has always been a part of Ocean Rainbow - even if the photo makes it look a little peculiar!    James is doing his bit polishing furiously!   Our boot top is going to be truly fantastic.

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14 October, 2012
Clarendon to the rescue

At the beginning of the year we had Helen (see 18th Jan blog!) polishing the boot top of Ocean Rainbow .. today Tish was the unsuspecting extra pair of hands to help cut back again in the hope that this time we really would have a professional finish thereby ensuring we have the smartest yacht […]

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13 October, 2012
Tish in the galley

Shambles or not there's always space to make a cuppa .. Tish in control!

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1 October, 2012
PWRCC Meeting on Hecla

Another successful planning meeting?!   Not sure much planning was done but the pizzas were excellent and we had a thoroughly enjoyable evening on board Hecla.

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27 September, 2012
And the mast came off .... eventually

Would you trust Claire to fix the strop correctly for the mast lift?    We might have managed to get everything undone and the mast off the boat but we'll never get it all back together again!    Now the next stage of OR's preparations get underway.  Hopefully back in the water in 6 weeks (ever optimistic!)

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26 September, 2012
Preparations underway to crane out Ocean Rainbow

The electrics all labelled ready to unstep the mast.    A quick photo to remind us how to put the battens back in the mainsail!  The sails all bagged and ready to go to Crusader Sails for cleaning and repairs.  Crane out tomorrow!  Not looking forward to it.      

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23 September, 2012
The start and finish of our late summer holiday!

Inclement weather and panic about the number of  jobs to do on Ocean Rainbow  has meant our late summer holiday has amounted to two days' sailing.  Saturday in lovely sunshine and the return trip in the rain!   We stopped for an ice cream at Mermaid Quay and then went round to Cardiff Yacht Club for […]

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16 September, 2012
PWRCC Lunch on Ocean Rainbow

Forgot to take a photo once food was on the table but here's one of James demonstrating our ''gym" routine on board!   Definitely needed after all our roast lamb!

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15 September, 2012
Holmes Race 2012

Great day, 70 boats left Portishead, 67 finished - definitely the best race in the Bristol Channel!   Not sure if it was the Skipper leaving early or a different crew to last year, but we didn't quite make the same placing!!  Still we were half way up the rankings so a respectable position (34th!!!).

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1 September, 2012
Drip Drop launched

What a great purchase - practical and fun!  Doesn't go in a straight line, but then neither does the dinghy if Claire is driving!

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