Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Nogent sur Marne

By Claire on Sun 01 Jul

Our first tunnel - 600m

Our pontoon at Nogent

Last breakfast- come back soon xx

We left Paris on Tuesday with Jeanetta as crew.  A very different experience for her as she’s used to her RIB on the sea with no locks let alone tunnels! We made it through two locks and our first tunnel in good order (a bit more practice wouldn’t hurt!!) and proceeded to Nogent-sur-Marne where we were made very welcome.   As luck would have it they were having a BBQ that night so we had a jolly evening.   On Thursday Jeanetta left and it was back to just the two of us.  It was fun having crew and so lovely to see Jeanetta.  Come again soon.

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