Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Balesmes Tunnel

By Claire on Tue 31 Jul

Entering the Balesmes tunnel

Fully lit

Light at the end of the tunnel but none in it!!

The end of the walled section and the start of the downhill trip!

Oh my goodness what an experience!  The tunnel’s 5km long and the walled channel, just 8m wide, that leads into and out of it is a further 5km so a restricted passage of 10km.    There’s a speed limit too of 2knots so all very organised until 2km into the tunnel ..... all the lights went out!!    We had torches but without the mast we didn’t have a deck light so it was a tad tricky to negotiate our way down.   Suffice to say we were very glad when ‘there was light at the end of the tunnel’!  

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