Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Time to move on

By Claire on Mon 11 Jun

We’ve had a brilliant time in Honfleur with its 15th century fort, cobbled streets, period houses and steep winding alleys (absolute killers on a bike!).    It’s such a picturesque town it’s no wonder that so many poets and artists have made Honfleur central to their work.  We went to Ste Catherine’s  Church (missed the sermon but arrived in time to hear a magnificent organ piece) and admired the beautiful wooden structure with double nave.  We’ve also enjoyed our first moules and frites at Le Corsaire - what a fabulous restaurant in the heart of the town.   If you haven’t visited Honfleur we can thoroughly recommend a visit but, for us, it’s now time to move on.  Rouen here we come!

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