Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Rouen and the Naked Boat

By Claire on Fri 15 Jun

Cathedral Notre-Dame! What a spectacular cathedral, it quite takes your breathe away.   We’ve enjoyed our brief stay in Rouen, staying at the marina in Bassin St Gervais and biking miles and miles to see the sights, find iPad repair shops (yes, the screen on James’ iPad died and caused great consternation - but now mended).   After a strenuous morning’s work OR’s mast is down.  We then clingfilmed the mast and boom (took most of the afternoon) and we’re sending them by road to Marseille! Our beloved yacht has now been well and truly turned into a canal boat, and we shall be chugging our way to Paris in the company of barges and other stink pots!   A whole new experience.

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