Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Locks are not us!

By Claire on Wed 20 Jun

Chatou lock where all went well


Prime specimen antler bollard

Looping line over ladder when no antler bollard near stern

Oh my word, adrenalin is rampant on Ocean Rainbow!   Just when we thought we’d got the Seine locks sussed, Murphy strikes!   We were lined up perfectly, all set to drop the line on the antler bollard when .... panic, the antler’s broken!  The wash from the tug in front pushed our bows off and the rest, as they say, was improvisation!!   OR is unscathed but our little hearts need a holiday!!  We are, however, totally enamoured with this style of travel ... only temporarily of course! .... and looking forward to exploring France from the ‘inside’.

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