Well we’re off again after almost a year based on land. Ocean Rainbow is looking good, she’s water tight everywhere, her instruments all work, she’s shiny and polished inside and out and ready for a new adventure. We have tried explaining to her that for a large proportion of this year’s voyage she is going to be emulating the life and style of a motorboat .... so far no complaints but we’re not entirely sure she understands that her mast is going to come down and Victor Volvo is going to be the main man. Even Humphrey is going to be ‘off duty’ as we hand steer through the canals of France in our bid to reach the sunny coast of southern Spain. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves! Before we reach the sun we have to negotiate our way out of the Bristol Channel, across the English Channel and then down to Rouen where we’ll unstep the mast. We’ll keep you posted!!