Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

On the hard again

By Claire on Tue 03 Oct

A5F5626A-792E-4E5A-AA23-C7BA65031BACB6A74C39-9DEF-4A80-ADAE-A99163284FEBFinally it is OR’s turn for an upgrade.   The ‘terra firma’ kitchen has had a makeover and now we can concentrate on our lovely home afloat.   We’ve emptied lockers ready for repainting, removed clothing, bedding and all manner of tins and packets that have now found space in the new kitchen and need to be used (note to all unsuspecting visitors!).   Our visit to the Southampton Boat Show last month has left us much better informed about the instruments we need to purchase, our new windows have arrived and the sidelining is on order ... due in 2 days.   We’re going to be busy!    Today we managed to take off the mast and haul out in beautiful warm sunshine - fingers crossed there are a few more of these perfect days while we work on the boat.

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