Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Crusader to the Rescue

By Claire on Sun 28 May

OR back in the water 020New Sail and children 001When packing up the mainsail in St Thomas we managed to rip a seam so, on arrival back in UK, we called up Crusader and agreed to drop the sail off once Ocean Rainbow was back. This we did. Not good news. Our sail was "unreliable" - in fact beyond repair. We even put another hole in the seam just showing how the first one had happened! Very sad and could have been a real problem considering our initial plans to sail OR back across the Atlantic, but ... Crusader to the rescue. Tucked away in their sail loft was a 'surplus to requirement' brand new sail for a Warrior 40. Brilliant - and it even has camber lines! Now our sail trimming will be even sharper and we can start our return trip to Portishead as planned, on Tuesday

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