Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Warrior Rally

By Claire on Mon 10 Apr

IMG_3249IMG_3239Although short, it has been very sweet to have 3 Trident Warrior 40s travelling together. PR2 know St Johns very well so after a couple of nights in Round Bay we motored across to Coral Cove line abreast (great photo opportunity) and anchored in the bay. Friday night we spent at Skinny Legs with great music. Saturday we took the bus to Cruz Bay for lunch at Cove Landing (seriously good loaded waffle chips) and then Sunday it was back to Hansen's Bay for our last night together with sundowners and eats on Hecla. We've inspected each other's boats, picked up ideas, discussed matters technical and matters that definitely were not technical ... Pete is the source of countless appalling jokes! We have eaten, drunk and laughed our way through a fabulous, never to be forgotten week. Warriors Rule OK!

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