Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Dawn Chorus

By Claire on Sun 30 Apr
Food Fest n Jouvert STT 001 - Copy

Swimmers in the early morning



With views to immaculate lawns and shrubs, a lovely sandy beach to walk along and collect shells, turquoise blue waters with turtles and rays, Brewers Bay has much to recommend it. It does, however, have the St Thomas' airport runway as our protective sea wall, though actually the airplane noise isn't enough to worry us! However, our 5.30am wake up call from the local pensioners is another matter! Every morning the same bunch of noisy, laughing and chattering men and women take to the waters to exercise. Their swimming style is unusual to say the least - it allows them to chatter non-stop, at top volume, whilst at the same time propelling themselves along in the water at a snail's pace. After a number of 'lengths' they return to the beach and, after a hearty rendition of Kumbaya My Lord, they go off to shower and resume their normal daily lives! And so starts our normal day!!

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