Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Blue and Black - what's the difference?

By Claire on Mon 24 Apr
Bluebeard's Castle

Bluebeard's Castle

Blackbeard's Castle 011

Blackbeards Castle

Answer - 2miles and 128 steps! On a whim, we decided to go and see Bluebeards Castle so, in the heat of the day (mad dogs and Englishmen!) we caught a bus to town, hopped off at the foot of the hill and climbed up to the castle. 20 minutes later we discovered our error - Bluebeards Castle is a resort hotel and the castle we wanted to find was Blackbeards Castle! Undaunted we set off down the hill (different route), meandered through the back streets of town and then climbed up to Blackbeards Castle (famous for its 99 steps but that's if you take the correct route!!) and home to the notorious Bristolian pirate, Edward Teach, commonly known as Blackbeard! We enjoyed our visit - especially the Rum-porium - but wish we'd known use of the swimming pools was included in the entry price, we could have done with a 'sploosh'.

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