Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

A Trident of Warriors!

By Claire on Thu 06 Apr

IMG_3202Hansen Bay STJ 016Unique. Three Warrior 40s in Hansen's Bay, St John, USVI. Sail numbers 94, 98 and 120! Such a great sail from Brewers Bay (for Hecla and OR) and from Charlotte Amalie for PR2. We watched through binos as Hecla and PR2 crossed wakes, tacking their way over to STJ. However with Ocean Rainbow on her best form, we just couldn't slow down enough to stay with them!!! Of course, we weren't racing! We then met for sundowners on OR, and supper is planned on PR2 for tonight and a full Warrior 40 Rally programme organised for the next few days ..... we intend to make the most of our time together.

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