Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Wonderful sailing!

By Claire on Wed 15 Mar
View from the top of the old Culebrita lighthouse

View from the top of the old Culebrita lighthouse

Charlotte Amelie from Elephant Bay

Charlotte Amelie from Elephant Bay

We've just had two of the best passages this season. Though still sailing hard on the wind, we had beautiful sparkling seas and no crashing or slamming because wave height was down, so Ocean Rainbow was in her element. We're now in St Thomas which is so much nicer than we'd expected and, at night, the bay is alive with all the twinkling lights creating a wonderful atmosphere - helped, of course, by an amazing full moon! Enroute, we briefly visited Culebra and Culebrita with their lovely sandy beaches and we'll be returning to Culebrita at the first opportunity ... it was idyllic and only a couple of other yachts in the anchorage. Very spoiling.

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