Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Poncey Ponce

By Claire on Fri 24 Feb
Ponce n San Juan 017-001

Puerto Rican Tody

With Anne &Tony from Argosea

With Anne &Tony from Argosea

We have wifi on the boat and the American influence is everywhere - so it's big cars and shopping malls. The only similarity between the countries we have visited so far this season and PR is the language - Spanish is spoken! Gone are the small smiling people in national dress and the funny little 'tiendas' with limited supplies. It's K Mart, WallMart and Home Depot! We have now had a chance to visit Ponce and took a 'trolley' ride to see the sights. Amazing old fire station in the Plaza de Bombas, lovely cathedral, astonishing Vigia flagstaff but rather soulless city centre dominated by 'disguised' McDonalds and BurgerKing distinctly recognisable by the smell of frying!! No time to visit the Ponce Art Museum as yet but we have spotted a Puerto Rican Tody!!

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