Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Wherefore art thou Cuba?

By Claire on Wed 18 Jan
Customs 003

Agriculture inspection

5 day passage reward!

5 day passage reward!

18 days and 565nm after leaving Belize we finally manage to get onto dry land and check in!  Our passage across to Cuba took 5 days but then the weather closed in and we had to run for shelter where we spent a further 4 days resting, before making a break for Nuevo Gerona.  However, it's only a commercial port, so the Port Captain would not allow us ashore and we were told to head for  Cayo Lago for international check in.  We have only been able to move in short hops as the strong winds have been on the nose so we have been choosing our moments to travel to minimise the tacking and travelling miles!  We did spend one day snorkelling off  Cayo Rosario - in retrospect we should have sailed that day - but we needed something different!  Yesterday we made a final break for it and had our toughest sail yet with mountainous seas, strong winds and current.  After 8 hours covering 42nm for a trip that should have been 25nm we finally dropped anchor in beautiful Cayo Lago.  Cuba here we come!   No photos - internet too slow, will update at some stage!

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