We had a little difficulty checking out of Cienfuegos en route to Trinidad as the authorities got the impression we were heading for Jamaica and almost cancelled our visas!!! All well though and we had an idyllic sail with big winds, flat seas and sun almost all the way to Casilda. We're getting used to 35knots and Ocean Rainbow batting along at 7knots and more with nothing but a scrap of sail. Casilda lagoon was a tad 'squeaky' to get in. We touched bottom 3 times but we're now securely at anchor. The marina is choc-a-bloc so very glad we were able to leave OR in Cienfuegos. Cuba is not very yachtie friendly as all the safe places to leave a boat have been taken by charter companies. The weather is cool too so no great longing to get in the water and snorkel! Maybe, if we find some nice clear water, we will be tempted on route to Santiago de Cuba?