Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Curious about Curacao

By Claire on Mon 30 Nov

Iguana 006Curacao arrival 023We left Bonaire on Friday and had a great sail across to Curacao in the windy sunshine. We are now at anchor in Spanish Waters, ready to investigate what the country has to offer. By happy coincidence we are next door to a fellow Warrior – PR2 – an auspicious start to our stay! Saturday’s weather was - as predicted - awful! But, rules are rules, and we had to check in, so we braved the torrential rain, thunder and lightning and made our way by bus to Willemstedt to complete the formalities. With the sun back on Sunday, we joined fellow OCC cruisers as guests of ‘Suzie Too’ for a lazy afternoon at Santa Barbara Beach. All in all, we’re glad we moved earlier than planned to Curacao.

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