Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!


By Claire on Sat 21 Nov

Snorkelling 004Sint Niklaas 018The water is so clear, the fish are numerous and the best snorkelling we have found is under our boat!   We arrived in Bonaire to a great welcome from cruising friends who were full of information and advice about how to make our stay in Bonaire a memorable one.    We’ve had a look around the town which is not much to write home about as it is really geared to cruise ships but we understand that the moment we hire a scooter then we will find a totally different island.  In the meantime we enjoy the wonderful waters around our boat and hope that next time we blog we will have a decent photo of the HUGE pair of tarpon who cruise around our vicinity.   Oh, and by the way, Christmas has come really early with Sint Niklass arriving on a tug to take his place on centre stage in the town market place.

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