Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

We have Lift Off

By Claire on Sun 04 Oct

Ariane 5 012Ariane 5 017Who would have thought it, we were in French Guiana at exactly the right time to see Ariane 5 launched into space carrying ‘Sky Muster’ and ‘ARSAT-2’ satellites.    It was, however, a bit of a performance to actually get to the launch-site but we reckon well worth it.  We dinghied ashore at 8.30am; were driven to St Laurent where we all checked in with Immigration; then caught a bus in St Laurent which took us a hotel (2 hrs drive) - where we checked in and waited for the official Space Centre bus.   After boarding the coach, we had an airline type safety talk – complete with gas masks! – and were driven to the Agami viewing site with the last 5km of the trip along a rough dirt track.  We arrived at 5.30pm in good time for countdown – what an awesome sight.  Once our ears had recovered after ‘Blast Off’ and Ariane 5 had disappeared from sight we were then able to watch a video where everything was explained and we could see what was happening in the control centre including watching the Australian team (Sky Muster) and Argentinian team (ARSAT-2) celebrating the safe launch of their satellites.  Great trip.

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