Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Friends Reunited

By Claire on Sun 18 Oct
BBQ at Coral Cove

BBQ at Coral Cove

Fising the masthead lights

Fising the masthead lights

We really didn't want to have to come back to Trinidad this season but with the various repairs that need to be done - fridge (again, we hear you say!!), wind generator, mast head lamp, broken stopcock handle and a number of chandlery items to replace - before our next 700nm adventure, it made sense to return. Oh, and did we mention the broken iPad??? However, clouds and silver linings spring to mind as the huge bonus to coming back is meeting up with friends we thought we'd said goodbye to for this season. Honey Ryder are here and we had a great BBQ at Coral Cove, we have Lynn Rival and Exbury coming for sundowners tonight and we are out to dinner with Ballerina Girl and Freya on Tuesday ... oh and the water in the harbour is clean at the moment so we can take a dip and update on the iPad .. It's fixed, all the engineer at the apple shop had to do was drop it again and the screen sorted itself out!!! You should have seen James' face!!! A real silver lining!

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