Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

And they get their NOSCARs too

By Claire on Wed 21 Oct

Nereids Rally in Trini 004-002Nereids Rally in Trini 002Freya of Clyde and Ballerina Girl didn’t actually make it to French Guiana so missed out on the Night at the NOSCARS – but last night that was remedied and we gathered at a lovely Indian restaurant in Port of Spain where Don very generously treated us all to dinner and we had a re-run of the awards.   A really super evening which was rounded off with seriously delicious Haagen Dazs ice creams.   We can also report that our fridge is now working again, the thermocouple was finally released from customs and fitted this morning.  We have a new compressor too so we hope that we have a fridge that’ll be good for another 20 years.  Silent Wind is another matter ….. !  It is still silent.

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