Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

3 Cheers 4 Nereid’s Rally

By Claire on Fri 16 Oct

Noscars 007Noscars 014What an amazing, action packed adventure we have had visiting Guyana, Suriname & French Guiana.  The fun started at the inaugural dinner in Trinidad and ended with a final Rally Dinner of moules and frites and the Noscar Awards Ceremony (Not Only Super Capable Also Resilient) in St Laurent du Maroni.    We’ve sailed 1650nm in the last 6 weeks, 1000 of which were against the Equatorial current and prevailing winds, and we have seen sights in Bartica, Paramaribo, Awala-Yalimapo and St Laurent du Maroni that we would never normally have seen.   We are just so pleased to have made the trip and now, after 5 days at sea, we are back in Trinidad in order to fix bits of boat that don’t work - in double quick time - so we can carry on with our travels.  We’re also going to catch up on some sleep!!   If you want to see more, just watch the video.

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