Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

South America

By Claire on Thu 17 Sep

First Avenue, Bartica

The ironmongers

The ironmongers

It’s not only a new country for us but a whole new continent.   Not sure what we anticipated but what we’ve got is our idea of the Wild West - we keep expecting to see Clint Eastwood walking down the street.   The town of Bartica, on the surface, is bustling with cars and people going about their errands but that is where ‘speed’ ends.   Life in the old mining town is conducted at a very slow pace, there are gold shops, pawn shops, snack shops, a couple of supermarkets and lots of little clothes shops.   Nobody is in a hurry to sell you anything.   Even the folk in the market were only ‘gently’ selling their wares.  The ironmongers is a glorious Aladdin’s cave and guarded by a man with a US Army M16 automatic rifle with 2 magazines of ammo!  This is definitely an adventure!  p.s. reference spanish of an earlier blog .... right continent, wrong country ... we're still speaking english!! p.p.s.  internet is a little problematic ... a slight time delay between writing and posting this blog!!!

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