Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Steve’s Speedy Tours

By Claire on Tue 09 Jun
Blue Lagoon St Vincent 107

Sargasso weed deposits in Sandy Bay

Blue Lagoon St Vincent 082

Outside St George's Cathedral - 6.45am!

We had an amazing two day rally tour of St Vincent thanks to Steve’s rally driving skills.  We drove to the end of the road on both the west and east coasts – the locals were really surprised to see us! – up mountain roads with crazy gradients and down the other side holding our breath and hoping the brakes didn’t fail as all the lunatic corners were negotiated.   It’s frustrating that photos just don’t convey reality … you’ll just have to visit St Vincent to experience it for yourself!     There’s a real contrast between the two coasts and then there’s the middle of the island – Mesopotamia – which is so lush and green and known as the breadbasket of St Vincent.     In amongst visit to Falls, Mineral Springs, Pirates of  the Caribbean sets and Salt Ponds we even managed to get to church and listen to Bishop Friday's sermon!   A fantastic time, the locals are all so very friendly and the staff at Blue Lagoon Marina, where we picked up a mooring buoy, were extremely helpful - we can thoroughly recommend a visit.

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