Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Home Alone 3 – The End!

By Claire on Fri 13 Feb
Home again 001

Claire is home!

Emily 007

Claire's last cuddle with Emily

My culinary skills have vastly improved over the last two weeks and I had every intention of producing a gastronomic feast for Claire’s return but fate intervened – the ‘fridge broke.   Despite spending hours dismantling and reassembling the various components I couldn’t find anything out of place.  I went ashore for expert advice, the long and short of it – I had to bring the boat into the marina.  Enlisting the help of some innocent bystanding American – Ivan on s/y Gavroche – I moved OR from the anchorage to a pontoon and Richard came onboard.  He cast his expert eye over things and it wasn’t long before he found the culprit – water in the electrics.   I then took OR back out to the bay and anchored in almost exactly the same spot as before.   The only trouble was I had greatly underestimated the time it would take me to do this single-handed!  No sooner was I satisfied that OR was firmly attached to the bottom than I had to leap into the dinghy and go ashore to meet Claire ….. her welcome home dinner was delicious, but it came out of a tin!

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