Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Home Alone 2

By Claire on Mon 02 Feb
Part 1

It started out OK

Part 2

.... but this was the result!

I just don't understand how Claire does it:  takes a bunch of ingredients, leftovers, veggy etc, throws it all in a pan and out comes a delicious supper.  No chance with my efforts - "lardon fume eggy bread" .. .I didn't realise the bread should be dipped not soaked, nor that lardon fume was rubbery if undercooked, nor that egg mixture goes to omelette so fast ..  in  other words a "disaster supper"!!   But, I didn't poison myself and I live to fight another day.  Hey ho.... more to this cooking thing than meets the eye!!   I've been busy during the day too ..... I've organised the lazarette although I appear to have pulled a muscle in the process, I've defrosted the 'fridge - or should I say, the fridge decided to defrost  itself so I cleared up the watery mess in the bottom and finally I have managed to do the laundry but not without incident - the liquid washing detergent bottle broke as I attempted to sort the load so I had rather more clearing up to do than expected!   Tomorrow must be an easier day surely?

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