Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Feast and Famine on two fronts!

By Claire on Sat 21 Feb
King of the Carnival 'Valval'

King of the Carnival 'Valval'

Valval reduced to ashes

Valval almost reduced to ashes

Gwada certainly know how to party – it’s been non-stop carnival for a week culminating in Wednesday night’s amazing funeral pyre when the Carnival King, Valval, was raised to the ground as a signal that Lent had begun and all the partying and feasting had ended.   We are now assured that all will be quiet in Guadeloupe for the next 6 weeks.   It will certainly be quiet on Ocean Rainbow as, after a week of activity and some sailing, James has departed for UK leaving Claire back at anchor off Ilet à Cochons to look after hearth and home for the next two weeks!

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