Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

We're grandparents!

By Claire on Fri 23 Jan

EmilyEmily Eileen Short has finally put in an appearance - 11 days late and after a lot of hard work on Lil' Claire's part but both are doing well.  She actually arrived at 7.15am on 22nd February weighing 8lbs 4oz - so not exactly tiny!   The photo confirms that Emily is totally beautiful and Granny has booked her flight out of Guadeloupe to check for herself.   We know, a change of plan! But, as we discovered, the flights and connections from Guadeloupe to UK are much easier than from Martinique so we set off early yesterday and sailed overnight arriving in Pointe-a-Pitre this morning!!   Cracking sail too which was a real treat and now we are just getting ourselves organised so that James is all prepared for his time 'home alone'.

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