Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Visiting Mermaids!

By Claire on Sun 25 Jan

Pointe a Pitre 013Guadeloupe 002To put you in the picture, we’d had a run ashore in Pointe a Pitre and found some new wines to try out, so we were quietly ‘tasting’ and deciding which of the 4 bottles merited another visit to the store.  We had a spectacular sky as the backdrop, an idyllic setting for a sundowner, when lo and behold two blond, beautiful mermaids on paddle boards came past the end of our boat.   We hailed them - well it would have been rude to ignore this apparition – and the next thing we knew the Mermaids were on board joining the wine tasting!  Hannah and Krista were just out for a bit of exercise before returning to their duties on board one of the super yachts moored the main harbour – it was lovely to meet them and hear a bit about their lives.  They had a quick guided tour of OR and we may even manage to pop along and have a look around their yacht … it might take slightly longer than their tour of ours!   What a lovely Saturday evening in Guadeloupe.

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