Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

New Year's Resolution - a testing time!

By Claire on Sun 04 Jan

Rodney Bay 002Rodney Bay 006Our New Year's resolution is to ensure that the Queen's english is used appropriately so that our expected grandchildren do not grow up with too much colour in their vocabulary.   A relatively easy resolution you might think?   Try again, just one day after New Year we set off from Marigot Bay heading north to Rodney Bay when we had a trial to test all resolutions .... we had a small technical hitch, an involuntary jibe and a ripped mainsail as evidence of some dubious sailing skills!    Not one unsavoury word was heard on Ocean Rainbow - long faces, a few terse comments but we managed to avoid paying a fine into the 'Sumptuous Dinner' pot.  How's that for determination!   You will also be glad to hear that this did not deter us from having a great time with Freebooter at 'Jump Up Fryday' in Gros Islet and even better news, the mainsail has been repaired by Kenny in double quick time so we will be ready to set off for Martinique the moment the winds abate.

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