Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Home Alone – diary entry from James

By Claire on Fri 30 Jan
First dinner

A little dark but it was a fine repast!

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Emily - the reason James is 'Home Alone'

I have now managed to survive 48 hours without Claire, however I have yet to cook an original, 'no outside help' meal, but if all else fails I am sure that 2 weeks of lettuce and tomatoes will do!   On Wednesday I was invited by Jo-Ann and Gene from Eli Blue to join them on a trip to Les Chutes du Carbet, a spectacular waterfall and pool in the south of Basse Terre (the left hand wing of butterfly shaped Guadeloupe).   It’s quite a trek to the first set of falls but we cooled off in the pool and then tried to make it to the next falls higher up, but after trekking for 40 mins, a sign told us we still had the same distance to go as when we started!  It was very steep and time was running out so we headed back home....wise decision....and the beer back at the Marina was outstanding!

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