Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Happy New Year

By Claire on Thu 01 Jan

004010We hope that you have all had as  good a start to 2015 as we have!   Chateau Mygo did us proud with a delicious dinner and some wonderful live music that was loud enough to encourage us to dance but not so loud we couldn't hear ourselves think!   We were also treated to a great firework display from three sides of the harbour as different groups competed with each other - we were definitely in prime position for all the fun.    And, for those of you wondering about Claire's eye - it's healing rapidly from what turns out to be a self inflicted injury and not a viral infection - a scratched cornea while extracting a contact lense!    More care will be taken in the future and that's for sure.   Our best wishes to you all for a healthy and happy 2015.

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