Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Doby Day!

By Claire on Sun 11 Jan

Ste Anne 2015 003Ste Anne 2015 006If you know us well you’ll find this hard to believe but it really is the truth – we haven’t done any laundry for an entire month.   We saved it all up for Sainte Anne’s wonderful launderette – all those machines have our kit in them!!  It only took 2 hours and was just so satisfying to take a huge pile of sweet smelling laundry back to the boat, all dried and folded …. you’d almost think it was ironed!!   The other picture?  Well that’s Nemo, whose responsibility is to look after the cleaning kit for the heads as the bucket that has been with us since Norway days has finally – wait for it – ‘kicked the bucket’!   It might be raining here and the winds rather stronger than normal but we are enjoying life.


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