Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

A thorn in my bottom!

By Claire on Thu 15 Jan
OCC Lunch 009

OCC Lunch

Grande Anse 010

James' creation

No not Claire or James, but Puddle!  For some inexplicable reason a thorn made its way into the dinghy and under the airdeck floor and pierced Puddle’s bottom!  Immediate First Aid was administered with great success and Puddle is now back speeding (2.5hp?!) over the ocean blue!  This small set back did not slow us down one jot!   Our social life is hectic.   We have rushed from one lunch party (our first Ocean Cruising Club social) to cheese and wine supper, coffee morning to snorkelling foray followed by supper …. and so our life afloat continues.    And, I (Claire) have to put a marker in the sand – the night before last night James cooked his first ever complete meal all by himself on board.  It was totally delicious.   No longer shall I worry that when I go back to UK to take up ‘Granny duties’ he will fade away to skeletal proportions.    James has mastered the art of cooking pasta and an accompanying sauce!

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