Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Pastures New … or should that be Waters!

By Claire on Thu 18 Dec

Blue Lagoon 024Blue Lagoon 026Finally we are catching up with ourselves – we have even marked our completely new location on the island of St Vincent on our Google map!  We had a lovely sail here and are on a buoy in splendid isolation.    Blue Lagoon is a tranquil spot on the south coast but there’s precious little sand (mostly imported!) and there are very few yachties here.  Hardly surprising as the marina is like a building site but all the services are available if you need them.   We've met some new folk and have shared a sundowner with them, (Flowt bar/restaurant at the western edge of the ‘beach’ is open!), we’ve had a bus trip to Kingstown and a quick look around and plan to investigate further tomorrow.

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