Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Lonesome Palm Beach Barbie

By Claire on Wed 17 Dec

Sociable boat 004Sociable boat 007Sociable boat 023After Ishtar’s arrival at Ashton Bay we decided to mount a joint beach BBQ to Lonely Palm Island. James prepared the site in true boy scout fashion, collecting a huge pile of wood! Ishtar, Freebooter (less Steve) and Ocean Rainbow congregated on the deserted island – real Robinson Crusoe stuff! With the help of Ishtar’s rum punch we had a very enjoyable evening but were somewhat disappointed not to spot the much publicised meteor shower. However we did have the chance to watch hermit crabs foraging for food. We had no idea they could smell meat so efficiently. Barely had an empty meat container been put on the ground than there was a crab making its way inside! It’s always good to share.

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