Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Happy Christmas to you all

By Claire on Mon 22 Dec

Christmas OR 002Christmas OR 036A year ago we set sail from Mindelo to cross the Atlantic; today we are securely anchored in Princess Margaret's Bay, Bequia  and preparing to spend our second Christmas on board Ocean Rainbow.   Bequia is one of the Windward Islands, full of colour and lovely people.   There is also a wonderful reef for some amazing snorkelling so we have the makings of a very special Christmas especially as we are spending it with Annemarie and Steve from Freebooter.   The Christmas cake is baked and iced, the mince pies are sitting in the fridge…the brandy butter suitably strong.  It just remains for us to catch a turkey!  We will attend the local church in Bequia, then after a swim, we will doubtless start on the Buck’s Fizz (maybe even with rum?.....pity to change one’s habits).  Santa Claus is expected (see photo) and we will raise a toast to all our absent family and friends.  We hope that all our blog followers have a likewise happy and enjoyable festive season.  Joyeux  Noel, Frohliche Weihnacht, Happy Christmas, Meri Krismas from the crew of Ocean Rainbow!

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