Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Double First!

By Claire on Wed 31 Dec

First Dive 010Marigot 004First dive and first eye patch!   Let’s hope the two are not connected!   Steve’s a dive instructor and thanks to his expert tuition I had a very successful first dive in Bequia .   It wasn’t very deep and the visibility was very poor but the feeling of drifting along the bottom of the reef without the need to rush to the surface for an air ‘replen’ was fabulous.   Many thanks to Annemarie for the use of her kit and to both of them for the time they took with me … I’m feeling very chuffed with myself!   The second first was not so much fun – think excruciating pain, pins in eyeballs and surviving a boxing round with Mohammed Ali and you’ll have the right pain level!  Thankfully a visit to the Eye Clinic in Castries and the ministrations of Dr Font Arando seem to be doing the trick and New Year’s Eve is still going to be party time!

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