Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

4Shorts at Chatham Bay

By Claire on Wed 17 Dec

Chatham Bay 020You couldn’t make it up if you tried!   The evening started innocently enough with a rum punch at Tim’s Bollhead Bar.  However, on returning to OR James, being the chivalrous skipper, was last to jump into Puddle but had a slight miscalculation … one pair of wet shorts.   Just as we were setting up for supper the heavens opened and he got totally soaked … two pairs of wet shorts.   Not content with this, he promptly sat on the wet seat in Puddle whilst locking her up for the night … three pairs of wet shorts!   Then followed a very funny evening with Freebooter chuckling about 3Shorts Short.  But that wasn’t the end of it.  To help with the washing up James rinsed out a particularly mucky container with salt water while standing on the bathing platform.  Job completed, he pirate-proofed the swimming ladder just as the wind blew the clean container into the sea.  So using the bathing ladder to reach the precious container, he found that the booby-trap worked brilliantly and gently toppled (fully clothed) into the water!    It was now a 4Shorts evening!

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